Friday, September 11, 2009



This is my dog - Paddi.
I never realized how wonderful she is until today.

This afternoon, my friend and I were driving home from the city when a dog ran out in front of my friends car. Her tag said "LIL". She injured her back legs and was frightened and in shock. I called the ranger and we stayed with her for half an hour while we waited for them to come to take her to the vet. Sitting on the footpath with Lil on my lap made me think how sad I would be if anything happened to Paddi. She might just be a dog, but she has this amazing personality of her own. My friend later got a call from the ranger to say that the Lil would be fine. I feel somewhat proud of myself for staying with her, and glad that other people cared about her too.

1 comment:

  1. I'ts so great that you made a blog, I can already tell it'll be a fun read! And I'm so happy that the pup will be ok!
